quinta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2013


Tonight is one of my favourites festivities/ holiday. Even being an american tradition I consider it quite funny not only for the children but also for the adults and having us, portuguese people, lost a little bit the carnival spirit, it is great to have this night to remind us how great it can be to play Trick or Treat! I'm just sad I can't go and play tonight too... but tomorrow responsibilities will wake me up quite early. So go and enjoy the night, Forget the problems and enter in a all world of fantasy, scary fantasy! Happy Halloween!

terça-feira, 29 de outubro de 2013

sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013

1st week...

It was an exausting week... very productive, but I think the last time I was this tired it was around 6 years ago.
Today just a short resume: new people, some seem great; lots of new things to learn; once again I met a real teacher - one of the kind that makes you feel glad to be learning with them and who makes you want to go further and further; I met a few friends who I didn't see for quite a while; and became friend with a former crush from High School! Pretty funny, I must say!
Now I need to have some rest! ... Life can be so good when you see it in the right way...

domingo, 20 de outubro de 2013

Sunday Thought...

Back to the Uni for a couple of weeks!! Yeah! (I guess I have to think seriously about the phd...)

quarta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2013

Hum... not feeling the Feeling...

What to do when you're not sure if it will be worthy for something? Ok, learning is never enough... and I wanted to learn more about it for some time now...
But being so intense and leaving me without time to even study? Oh, my head is spinning!! What to do? Deadline is coming...

domingo, 13 de outubro de 2013

In a Halloween mood...

A new serie that just started and seems it's going to be great!

sábado, 12 de outubro de 2013

sexta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2013

terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2013

Street Art...

Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

segunda-feira, 7 de outubro de 2013

Unforgettable Crush...

Everyone had a crush on a teacher. During high school or even university. Well, I had mine just a couple of years ago when I was doing my Master. When I finished, like everything else that wasn't that much important, it stayed in my memories box and I never thought about it anymore. Till yesterday!
So, this crush was on a professor who wasn't really my professor, he just did a couple of presentations as a specialist in American political system. And yesterday when I turned the TV on I was just as enchanted by seeing him there explaining all the situation that is happening now in the USA as I was in his lectures. And he is still so charming and smart like before... 

sexta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2013

Another one in USA...

Look who's in Revenge:
Diogo Morgado!!

quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2013

New Marketing...

A nova forma de fazer publicidade aos programas da televisão portuguesa passa agora pelo envio de mensagens para os telemóveis.
Hoje recebi a seguinte mensagem:
"Sou a Paula Belmonte e espero por si às 21.00 para assistir a um dos momentos mais quentes da nova novella da TVI. Um beijo Paula."
Até tem graça. Só me falta saber onde conseguiram o número...

quarta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2013


HTCT - "Hide the camel toe"
Does anyone suffers from this?
Even the celebrities have to deal with it...

But there's a way to "diminish" the problem - just can't say how comfortable can it be!