quarta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2014

I still remember...

him... It's weird how our mind can work things through. And sometimes it just seems the opposite. But people need to be remembered. I don't remember his face. Or even his name. It was around 20 years ago! Almost every day I used to see him at his work. He couldn't be more than 18 or 20 years old. Some how we started to talk to each other or maybe it was just him who was being funny. And don't quite remember. But it's not important. I know that this went through for a while and for me it was like a dream because he was an older cute boy talking to me and as a young girl that was perfect. 
One day he just wasn't there anymore. And the day after and all the days that came after. As a child I forgot about it. Till the day... when I heard someone saying that he was caught into a fight at night and severely beat up. He went to the hospital but didn't make it...
Every now and then, for no reason, I remember all the people I already lost. Today it was his day and now that I think about it I realize that he was the first one I lost. 

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