Em termos de cinema sou um perfeito desastre. Vejo os trailers e para aqueles que gosto penso sempre que ou vou vê-los ao cinema ou mais tarde faço download. Mas por vezes acaba por passar algum tempo, esqueço e só por algum caso volto a lembrar-me deles. Outras vezes já os tenho mas até ter o bocadinho para os ver demora mais uns dias ou até semanas. Foi o que aconteceu o filme Hunger Games.

Agora tenho em lista o Dark Shadows, mas acredito que o Johnny Depp não me vai decepcionar.
In the cinema theme I am a complete disaster. Usually I watch the trailers and think about seeing the movies in the movie theatre or downloading them later. But then the time goes by and I forget them and only because of something else I remember again about it. Other times I already have them but it takes a while till I watch them. That's what happened with Hunger Games.
I didn't saw the trailer but I read some news and listened some interviews with the actors, and I was curious about it. Then some time went by and I only watched the movie yesterday. And it was a bit disappointing... the story isn't that bad but after a while it looses the sense and the end was really bad, in my opinion. Well, really a dellusion.
Now the next in list is the Dark Shadows, which I'm pretty sure that Johnny Depp will not be a disappoint.
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