Heart Break.
It's never easy to deal with one. But the first one is the worst. The most horrible pain that we can possible think of. We believe we'll never go through it. We stop believing in love. We can't see a future with someone else. We have the solid idea that we are better alone than having the slight possibility to feel that pain again. And we truely believe that that is true. Till our heart heals. And we are ready to feel it all over again. But until that day comes, no matter what everyone says we don't care. We don't see the open door. Not even a window... And what to say when that first heart break happens in your 30's?
That was the picture I saw today. It was like seing my own first heart break. I knew that no matter what I said it wouldn't make a difference. And it didn't. My friend kept saying that he's better alone. That he doesn't want to find anyone else. Ever. It's sad. But the sadest thing is that it was the first time he liked someone and that girl felt the same about him. And he was happy. And know I see that for him it has been more difficult to deal with it because only happened now for the first time. With no backgrounds, no similar experiences. And if it's hard for younger people to go through that kind of experience, I see that for older people it's even harder.
Could another love be the answer? Even him being so apart from people now?
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