Hoje li uma entrevista de um antigo professor de quem não tinha notícias há já uns bons dois anos. Dizia ele que está descontente com o panorama político que se vive em Portugal e na Europa e que por isso, este ano, pela primeira vez não iria votar. E fiquei a pensar, se ele que sempre esteve por dentro dos jogos e das "famílias" políticas sente que a situação é grave, nós que não temos esse conhecimento e já vemos que estamos a ir no caminho errado, não devemos estar nem 1/3 conscientes da gravidade.

Today I read an interview of a former teacher from who I had not heard for quite long time. He was saying that he is unhappy with the political scenario that people are testifying in Portugal and Europe and that's why, this year, for the first time he would not vote. And I wondered if him, who had always been inside of the games and "families" policies feel that the situation is serious, we, who do not have this knowledge and already see that we are on the wrong path, then we should not be even 1 / 3 aware of gravity.
On the other hand, by reading his words, I came to identify myself with much of what he said - after all it was with him that I began to realize and appreciate politics - and it was then I had the idea of how he was a key piece in my way of thinking (I will never forget the words of encouragement and support that he left me in my exams). Thank you, Professor M. M.
On the other hand, by reading his words, I came to identify myself with much of what he said - after all it was with him that I began to realize and appreciate politics - and it was then I had the idea of how he was a key piece in my way of thinking (I will never forget the words of encouragement and support that he left me in my exams). Thank you, Professor M. M.