Mais um feriado em Berlim. Na semana passada tivemos um na 4ª, que soube muito bem e esta semana a sorte voltou a sorrir. Hoje foi dia de brunch em casa de uma das minhas colegas seguido de um pequeno passeio e depois aproveitar o resto da tarde para descansar um pouco.
Entretanto na semana passada também houve o dia do meu evento no ICD com a exibição do filme Dirty Dancing 2 seguido por uma aula de salsa com o professor cubano Fismo Kuba (curiosidade: ele fez casting pro filme!! - coincidências... ou não).
Aqui ficam por isso algumas fotos do evento e também dos meus passeios por Berlim.
One more holiday in Berlin. Last week we had one on wednesday, which was pretty nice and this week the luck smiled again. Today was brunch day at the place of one of my colleagues followed by a little walk and then it was time to enjoy the rest of the afternoon to get some rest.
But last week there was the day of my event at the ICD with the screening of the movie Dirty Dancing 2 followed by a salsa class with the Cuban professor Fismo Kuba (curiously he did a casting for the film! - Coincidences ... or not .)
So here are some photos of the event and also of my tours around Berlin.
But last week there was the day of my event at the ICD with the screening of the movie Dirty Dancing 2 followed by a salsa class with the Cuban professor Fismo Kuba (curiously he did a casting for the film! - Coincidences ... or not .)
So here are some photos of the event and also of my tours around Berlin.
Salsa Event
Concerto Música como Diplomacia Cultura - Encontro da América e da Turquia
Music as Cultural Diplomacy Concert - America meets Turkey
Praça Potsdamer
Potsdamer Square
Memorial aos Judeus assassinados na Europa
Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe
Porta de Bradenburg
Bradenburg Gate
Praça Bebel
Bebel Square
A Guarda Nova de Schinkel
Schinkels New Guard
Catedral de Berlim
Berlin Cathedral
Antiga Galeria Nacional
National Old Galery
Praça Alexander
Alexander Square
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