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quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2013
segunda-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2013
"Shameless" II...
Look who's in the serie - season 3!
Pepe Rapazote: It seems the portuguese actors are all with the eyes on Hollywood! Who's next?
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sábado, 26 de janeiro de 2013
Uma série que me anda a prender ao ecrã... e claro que actores como o Justin Chatwin também ajudam! :)
A series that's been holding me to the screen ... and of course actors like Justin Chatwin also help! :)
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quarta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2013
segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2013
The K&J Family...
Até podem parecer meio fúteis e ninguém ainda perceber por que têm tanta fama, mas eu gosto imenso, desde as roupas às atitudes. E as mais novas têm capacidade para chegarem ainda mais longe. A família Kardashian & Jenner!
They may seem futile and nobody may even realize why they have become so famous, but I like them a lot, from the clothes to the attitudes. And the younger are able to reach even further. The Kardashian & Jenner family!
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quinta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2013
Please repeat!...

It seems that my english is not that great anymore. Last week I received an offer of 15 days of english classes in the Wall Street Institute and today I went to do the level test. I already did other tests and the result were always more or less the same. Maybe it was because of that that today I wasn't worried about it. But I should have been. According to this one I lowered two levels!!! Two!!! Not just one, but two!!! So I was really surprised and I will have the most of these classes to go back to my higher level.
Next Monday I will be the best student they have ever had!
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quarta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2013
terça-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2013
Now is good...
O filme não foi bom nem mau, talvez estivesse à espera de mais.
It's a nice movie but it gave me mixed feelings about it.
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domingo, 13 de janeiro de 2013
sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2013
Just do it...
Trocas, renovações, aproveitar o que se tem ou criar em vez de comprar. Enfim, se há algo positivo que esta crise trouxe foi uma espécie de regresso aos tempos em que o dinheiro não tinha a importância de hoje e as trocas comerciais eram feitas com objectos que cada qual necessitava; outra forma de ter o que se precisava era aproveitar o que se tinha em casa e recriar ou mesmo fazer o que se queria.
Seguindo esta linha e depois de procurar por uma agenda barata e gira, acabei por fazer a minha própria utilizando um livro de notas que me tinha oferecido. Ainda não está terminada, mas enquanto não há tempo para mais, já gosto muito - simples e prática - agora só falta um pouco de cor.
Swaps, renewals, take what you have or to create rather than buy. Anyway, if there is something positive that this crisis has brought it was a kind of return to the days when money had not the importance of today and trades were made with objects that each needed; another way to get what was needed was to take advantage of what we had at home and recreate or even do what you wanted.
Following this line, and after searching for an agenda inexpensive and cute, I ended up making my own using a notebook that had been offered to me. It is not yet finished, but while there is no time for more,I like it a lot - simple and practical - now it just need a little color.
Following this line, and after searching for an agenda inexpensive and cute, I ended up making my own using a notebook that had been offered to me. It is not yet finished, but while there is no time for more,I like it a lot - simple and practical - now it just need a little color.
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quarta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2013
Back to a different time...
Esta noite fui a bar em Lisboa, no Principe Real, onde só tocou músicas de boysbands dos anos 90. Quem se recorda dos Boyzone, Westlife, Backstreet Boys e tantas outras, que na minha adolescência faziam parte do meu mundo e certas músicas fizeram-me mesmo regressar a momentos/ acontecimentos que ficaram marcados ao som romântico que tanto ouvia. Good old memories!
Tonight I went to a bar in Lisbon, in the Principe Real, where the music was all from the boysbands of the 90's. Who still remembers Boyzone, Westlife, Backstreet Boys and so on. Those Bands that were part of my teenage world and some musics made me return to moments that were scored by this romantic sound. Good old memories!
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domingo, 6 de janeiro de 2013
sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2013
sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2013
That's for real...
Yes, the increases really arrived. I felt them today when I had to go to the Citizen Store ask for the criminal record. It increased 50 cents (€) since the last time I went there. That's too much considering that it was less than six months ago. But the attendance was quite good, it just took five minutes.
And finally I had the confirmation that I lost all the content of my old laptop. After a long talk with the technician he gave me the death certificate. And it hurts so much! The solution: I'm already selecting all the photos I want to print.
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