Can tomorrow be Saturday again?... Just this once...
domingo, 28 de abril de 2013
sábado, 27 de abril de 2013
Time to be quiet...

Yes, I know it's weekend, but after a week full of surprises, not all good, there is a feeling that everything was happening too fast. And for that I decided to relax. To have these two days to do my things calmly. And that means avoiding parties and going out at night. If I feel like going? Only for being with the others, but at the same time my body is telling me to stay quiet and that's what I am going to do.
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terça-feira, 23 de abril de 2013
A weekend to die for...
Finalmente, posso dizer que o fim de semana deixou-me de rastos. Começou com a já tradicional saída de Sexta à noite com os colegas, o sábado foi passado numa tour de bicicleta por alguns dos sítios mais turisticos de Berlim com um antigo colega da secundária e terminou no Domingo com um Brunch muito apetitoso, mas do qual não tenho fotos :(
Finally, I can say I had a weekend to die for. It started with the traditional night out with my colleagues on Friday, on Saturday I was on a bike tour around some of the most touristic places in Berlin with an old friend from highschool and to finish, on Sunday, I had a very tasty Braunch, but I don't have photos from it :(
Bar em/ in Kreuzberg
Memorial ao Holocausto/ Holocaust Memorial
Porta de Brandenburgo/ Brandenburg Gate
Embaixada dos EUA/ USA Embassy
Memorial Soviético/ Soviet Memorial
Coluna da Vitória/ Victory Column
A vista da primeira plataforma/ The first floor view
No topo/ On top of the Column
A vista do topo/ The view from the top
Madame Tussauds com Johnny Depp/ with Johnny Depp
Marilyn Monroe & Filipe
Cuidado! Má condutora a caminho!/ Be careful! Bad driver on the way!
Universidade Humboldt/ Humboldt University
Museu Antigo/ Old Museum
Catedral de Berlim/ Berlin Cathedral
Praça Alexander/ Alexander Square
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domingo, 21 de abril de 2013
quarta-feira, 17 de abril de 2013
domingo, 14 de abril de 2013
The East Berlin Wall...
Hoje havia um convite para um piquenique perto do Muro no lado Este de Berlim como forma de manifestação contra a mudança da galeria (o muro) para outro local para poderem construir novos prédios no seu lugar. Supunha-se que iriam aderir muitas pessoas. Não houve assim tantas, mas o sol brilhou e esteve-se muito bem.
Today there was a picnic near the East Berlin Wall as a way to fight against the moving of the galery (the wall) to another place to be built some new buildings in its place. It was supposed to have been a lot of people there. There weren't that many but the sun was shinning and it was really nice.
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