So, this blog was missing some music... a new discover (for me) - music covers by Bossa Nova.
terça-feira, 26 de março de 2013
domingo, 24 de março de 2013
Sunday Thought...

If sometimes some people would think a little bit more and I would think a bit less, I could be so much happy, but so so much happy... Feeling like I have a 100 kg on my shoulders!!
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sexta-feira, 22 de março de 2013
Counting the days and ...

E com isto, só penso que daqui a uma semana estarei a aterrar em Berlim e será que até lá a corrida ao quarto terá já um desfecho positivo? Veremos...
I still don't have a place to stay. Who would say that finding a room to rent in Berlim could be so difficult?! It has been really hard - at least for a nice price. There are many ads but the locations aren't allways the needed and the answers that I've been having reminded me the ones that I had to my cv's - very few or none.
And with this I just can think that in about one week I'll be landing in Berlin and who knows if by then I'll have a positive ending? We'll see...
I really could use some help!...
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quarta-feira, 20 de março de 2013
terça-feira, 19 de março de 2013
478 pages!!...

It seems it's not just with food that sometimes I eat more than I can. Today it was in the library. The tons of pages of the book The Stonehenge Legacy by Sam Christer wouldn't be a problem if I weren't be leaving in 11 days and with the fact that I still have a lot more to do.
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domingo, 17 de março de 2013
Sunday thought...
"Quando você quer alguma coisa, todo o universo conspira para que você realize o seu desejo."
"When you want something, all the universe conspires for you to accomplish your desire."
Paulo Coelho
But you have to fight for it!
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sábado, 16 de março de 2013
Latest news...

Depois de todas as burocracias tratadas e do tempo de espera fui seleccionada para estagiar no Instituto de Diplomacia Cultural (ICD) em Berlim e é para lá que vou daqui a exactamente 2 semanas.
Entretanto com tudo o que há a preparar e com idas a Lisboa para ultimar tudo, acabei por deixar de lado o programa Insanity, mas devo dizer que na semana que segui tudo à risca consegui ver progressos, não tanto a nível de perca de peso mas na resistência e sensação que inchada que deixou de existir. Não sei quando voltarei a recomeçar, mas para já ainda há muito para preparar para a viagem. Auf Wiedersehen!!
So, now I can tell some more about my next adventure. As it's known, I finished my Master last December and before it I was already thinking about the next step to enter in my field area - International Relations and that was when I signed up for the Leonardo Da Vinci programme to do an Internship abroad.
After all the burocracy and the waiting I was chosen to be an intern in the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD) in Berlin and it is to where I am going in about 2 weeks.
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domingo, 10 de março de 2013
sexta-feira, 8 de março de 2013
Another week please! Fast...
A partida final de um familiar.
Resultado: Um final de semana que indica momentos de introspecção, análise e a um reorganizar da visão da Vida. Da morte. E de tudo o que ambas implicam.
Bom Dia da Mulher.
Bom Fim de Semana.
The arrival of my sister to her majority - the big 18 on the cake!
The final departure of a close
Equals to: A weekend indicating moments of introspection, analysis and a vision of Life rearrange. Of death. And all that both imply.
Good Woman's Day.
Good Weekend.
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quarta-feira, 6 de março de 2013
terça-feira, 5 de março de 2013
So, that's it: three weeks to go...

Em breve darei mais novidades sobre a minha próxima aventura. Stay tuned my friends!
Today was one of those days that are hoped for too long to bring us good news, so we can keep going on and see news paths and new experiences.
As soon as possible I'll have more news about my next adventure. Stay tuned my friends.
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segunda-feira, 4 de março de 2013
About Insanity...

Sendo assim meus amigos daqui a uma semana - e esperando que nada impeça - terei então novidades.
So, I was supposed to have already told something about the workout programme, but the truth is that after only three days I got a little sick and with other unexpected events I stopped and today I started again - even because it's better to do the workouts every day to see any improvement.
And in a week I'll be back with news.
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domingo, 3 de março de 2013
sábado, 2 de março de 2013
... weather is just like my mood, grey and cold. Oh Summer, sweet Summer come back to give me some warm. Sorry Winter but you've been here for too long now.
Source: Rosa Chá
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