terça-feira, 31 de julho de 2012
sábado, 28 de julho de 2012
To the South!!...
É por isso, e não só, que este fim-de-semana lá vou direitinha para o Algarve (e já vou tarde). Aproveitar uns meros dois dias para fazer muita coisa e ver muita gente, mas que será de certo refrescante e relaxante. Meia Praia me aguarde!!!
So, everyone is talking about the Olympic Games, and usually this kind of things don't go throw me without notice, I always have an idea about what's happening, who is in it and so on. But this week, or, this year (?) that's not the case, I am really misinformed about everything, like out of the planet. It is the work, the thesis, all of these are taking my mind out of the rest.
That's why, but not only, that I heading to Algarve this weekend (too late I must say). It will be two days to do a lot and to see even more of people, but I'm sure it will be also relaxing and refreshing. Meia Praia (beach), I'm coming!!!
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sexta-feira, 27 de julho de 2012
On job #3... Men!!...
- Eu também, principalmente com as mulheres.
- É verdade também eu, tem de ser sempre a mudar."
(Conversa entre um dos meus colegas e o meu chefe)
"- Since I sold my motorbike, other motorcycles don't mean anything to me... everytime I have something I just lose interest in it.
- Me too, specially with women.
- Yeah, me too, it has be always a change."
(Small talk between one of my coworker and my boss)
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terça-feira, 24 de julho de 2012
domingo, 22 de julho de 2012
On job #2...
Na 6ª o briefing começou com uma sessão de karaoke em grupo. E assim se instalou a boa disposição para mais um dia de trabalho:
On Friday the briefing started with a group karaoke session. And that was the way to get a good feeling for one more day of work:
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sábado, 21 de julho de 2012
See you in a new land...
Hoje a tarde foi passada a ver os veleiros da The Tall Ships Race 2012. As filas eram enormes e com o calor a paciência não foi nenhuma para esperar a vez para visitar os veleiros, especialmente para o Sagres e o Creoula. Fica pra próxima.
Today the afternoon was spend seeing the ships from The Tall Ships Race 2012. But the queues were too big and with the hot weather my patience wasn't that much to wait my turn to visit them, specially the famous ones, Sagres and Creoula. Maybe next time.
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quarta-feira, 18 de julho de 2012
A derreter o dia todo... vai ser uma longa noite...
Feeling like melting all day long... it's going to be a long, long night...
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domingo, 15 de julho de 2012
Thoughts through a Saturday night...
No meio disto tudo, apenas um pensamento me ocupa a concentração: o que terei eu feito ou que terá acontecido para não ter respostas?
After having a very unlucky week, this Friday ended with hours of music and dance. It wasn't in Optimus Alive, even having being working in Algés while listening LMFAO right next to me. It was in the so called Plateau, a place with music from the 80's, but I didn't had the pleasure to know. I liked it, just to go once and a while, not always.
Today was time to saty at home doing all the cleaning because tomorrow I'll be all day shopping with friends in the Freeport place.
In the middle of everything, I have only a thought taking all my concentration: what have I done or what happened for not having the answers?
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terça-feira, 10 de julho de 2012
Road Trip in Lisbon...
Podia ser parte de um filme. A sério. Ontem tive uma daquelas experiências que nem sei como não correu pior, apesar de tudo. Foi um dia para esquecer, o que não será possível tão depressa. O chefe está de férias. Alguém tinha de levar o carro de Roma-Areeiro até Algés. Eu, que nunca tinha guiado em Lisboa, e, pior, há mais de dois anos que não tocava ou pensava sequer em carros ou conduzir, disse que não. Depois de assinar um termo de responsabilidade pelo carro.Por alguma razão, o único dos meus colegas que o podia fazer não era confiável aos olhos do coordenador geral. Não levei, mas ele sim, no final da conversa. Uma multa à chegada de Algés.
Mas trouxe de volta à noite, deixei-me levar na cantiga da noite calma, sem auto-estrada, devagarinho e sempre a direito. Maldita hora. Tirando um ou outro "deixar ir abaixo" tudo sem grandes sobressaltos até chegar à avenida do rio de Janeiro... subidas, confusões nas mudanças ou o **** e o carro não andou mais. Ninguém ficou magoado, é verdade, do mal o menos, que até tenho uma condução calminha e atenta apesar da grande inexperiência. Mas e o conserto do carro? Daqui a algumas horas terei a resposta. Enfim, um início de semana que não augura ser muito boa...
*Tudo resolvido!! Nada a pagar e continuo empregada.
It could in a movie. For real. Yesterday I had one experience that I really can't say how it doesn't turned out worst. It was a day to forget, but not that soon. The boss is on vacations this week. So, someone had to take the car from Roma-Areeiro to Algés. I said no because I hadn't had any kind of contact with a car for driving it at least for two all years. After I signed the documento getting all the responsability for the car. For some weird reason, the only colleague who could do it wasn't enough trustfull for my superior. So, I didn't but he did, in the end. We get a police ticket when we arrived in Algés.
But I brought the car back at night, in some way I left myself be convinced that I could do it in a calm and slow way. It was a damned hour that one. With a few stops we managed to get almost our office but with some mistakes we didn't passed the Rio de Janeiro Av. because the car didn't go further. The good thing is that no one got hurt even with my big inexperience. But and the consert of the car? I'll have my answer in a few hours. Definitely, not a good way to start my week...
*All done!! Nothing to pay and still with a job.
*Tudo resolvido!! Nada a pagar e continuo empregada.
It could in a movie. For real. Yesterday I had one experience that I really can't say how it doesn't turned out worst. It was a day to forget, but not that soon. The boss is on vacations this week. So, someone had to take the car from Roma-Areeiro to Algés. I said no because I hadn't had any kind of contact with a car for driving it at least for two all years. After I signed the documento getting all the responsability for the car. For some weird reason, the only colleague who could do it wasn't enough trustfull for my superior. So, I didn't but he did, in the end. We get a police ticket when we arrived in Algés.
But I brought the car back at night, in some way I left myself be convinced that I could do it in a calm and slow way. It was a damned hour that one. With a few stops we managed to get almost our office but with some mistakes we didn't passed the Rio de Janeiro Av. because the car didn't go further. The good thing is that no one got hurt even with my big inexperience. But and the consert of the car? I'll have my answer in a few hours. Definitely, not a good way to start my week...
*All done!! Nothing to pay and still with a job.
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sábado, 7 de julho de 2012
Weekend off...
É sempre bom receber uma mensagem do chefe a dar-nos o Sábado de folga, ou seja, fim-de-semana sem trabalho. Só é pena já ir a meio. As coisas boas correm, não andam.
It's always good to receive a mensage from our boss telling us that we have the Saturday off, which means the weekend off. Too bad that half has already go. Good things run, don't walk.
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quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2012
On job...
Isto de se trabalhar com muitas, e ainda por cima pessoas novas, leva-nos a vários tipos de conversas em que acabamos sempre (ou quase) por aprender qualquer coisa nova.
Sendo assim, descobri que ainda que Amália Rodrigues e Marisa cantem fado, apenas a primeira se pode intitular de fadista, parece que a Marisa não passa de uma interprete. Ignorância minha que julgava que eram ambas tanto intérpretes como fadistas. Mas parece que não porque os fados foram escritos para a Amália e não para a Marisa. E isto aprende-se nos cursos de turismo.
Working with a lot of people and them being new, makes us talk about so many things in which we (almost) always learn something new.
Saying that, I found out that even if Amália Rodrigues and Marisa sing Fado, only the first one can be called a Fado singer and Marisa is just a performer. Foolish me who thought that they were both Fado singers and performers. But it seems that that's not true because the Fado songs were written to Amália and not to Marisa. And this can be learned in the Tourism courses.
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domingo, 1 de julho de 2012
I have a smile to you...
Serve isto apenas para te dizer que és das pessoas mais doces que tenho conhecido. Gosto de te começar a ter como amigo.
This is only to say that you are one of the sweetest persons I have met. I like to start having you as a friend.
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